<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><linktype="text/css"rel="stylesheet"href="stylesheets-gun-run/application.css"></head><body><h1id="main-h1"></h1><h1>You shot each other simultaneously. You grazed him on his right shoulder while he shot you on your left shoulder barely missing your heart.</h1><h1>He clutched his wounded shoulder and was about to shoot you again.</h1><h1>But you shot him again, this time on the leg. He dropped to one knee and dropped his gun.</h1><h1>You cautiously approached him, gun on hand, and kicked his gun away.</h1><h1>You saw the man's face for the first time ever and saw your own.</h1><h1>You suddenly woke up. You see blood everywhere.</h1><h1>You noticed that the blood was yours.</h1><h1>You have three gunshot wounds. One on each shoulder, and another one on your leg</h1><h1>You tried to call for help, but you died before anyone discovered you.</h1><ulid ="main-menu"><liclass="menu-item"><ahref="../index.html">Back to beginning</a></li></ul></body></html>