<!Doctype html><html><head><linkrel="stylesheet"type="text/css"href="../index/design.css"/><title> Choose Your Own Adventure </title></head><body><divid = "End"><h1> ---END---</h1></div></div><divid = "content"><divid="image"><imgsrc="hero.png"style="width:600px;height:600px;"><divid="paragraph"><p> Playing the hero might not be the wisest decision, but you always believed in YOLO. You quickly grab the raygun and sneak up on the distracted alien. Before it could even react, you shoot it relentlessly until the alien disintegrates into dust. It turns out that the one you just killed was the alien overlord, as you see a bunch of other spaceships from a afar flying away back into space. Cogratulations! You just saved the human race from an alien invasion.</p></div><divid = "restart"><ahref="../index/home.html"><imgsrc="../index/reset.png"style="width:55px;height:50px;"/></a></body></html>