Commit abf6cf29 authored by Martina Reyes's avatar Martina Reyes

Merge branch 'xtine' of ssh:// into mate_devbranch

parents 4e93dcf6 30b3a976
......@@ -177,6 +177,9 @@ def startAuction(request, pk):
store_id = current_store.storeid
# get items under this store
store_items = Item.objects.filter(storeid=pk)
# Current userid, change as per ⭐ whoever is logged in
user = BoodleUser.objects.get(userid=1)
userid = user.userid
# temp: all auctions
all_auctions = Auction.objects.all()
......@@ -194,7 +197,7 @@ def startAuction(request, pk):
current_item = form.cleaned_data['itemid']
new_auction = Auction(title=title, info=info, auctionstart=starttime, auctionend=endtime, itemid=current_item)
return redirect(f"/startauction/{pk}")
return redirect(f"/profile/{userid}")
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