- 21 Feb, 2023 7 commits
Layla Mikel Villanueva authored
Realized it was unnecessary since the duration field automatically converts it to minutes and seconds.
Layla Mikel Villanueva authored
Edited the list filters of the models to show the appropriate output.
Layla Mikel Villanueva authored
Fixed the code for the models so it would run properly
Layla Mikel Villanueva authored
Added view customizations for search fields, list displays, list filters, and field sets of each model classes for better user experience and to register the models to the admin site
Layla Mikel Villanueva authored
Included additional attributes in each of the classes to provide more information such as birth name, bio, label, song count, etc.
Layla Mikel Villanueva authored
Changed the details in the text file to update the information.
Layla Mikel Villanueva authored
apparently the views.py wasn't committed to the main branch when I made it last lab
- 13 Feb, 2023 21 commits
Lay Villanueva authored
added get_absolute_url per class
Lay Villanueva authored
included Artist, Album, and Song classes for the database and its respective properties
Lay Villanueva authored
included the path for contact/
Lay Villanueva authored
contact is added in installed apps
Lay Villanueva authored
It includes my contact information
Lay Villanueva authored
added the path for the about app
Lay Villanueva authored
added about in the installed_apps list
Lay Villanueva authored
It contains a brief information about me and my music preference
Lay Villanueva authored
included the path for homepage
Lay Villanueva authored
path for homepage is added
Lay Villanueva authored
It contains the homepage that displays a welcome message when it is accessed.
Lay Villanueva authored
Lay Villanueva authored
Lay Villanueva authored
Lay Villanueva authored
Adds a message on the homepage that will be displayed when the website is accessed
Lay Villanueva authored
Lay Villanueva authored
Lay Villanueva authored
Updated the secret key to use the .env file
Lay Villanueva authored
Excludes the virtual environment in the repository
Lay Villanueva authored
added README.txt in the repository
Lay Villanueva authored