Commit 92469da4 authored by Brian Guadalupe's avatar Brian Guadalupe

Parse the song data to populate the songs table, fixes issue #4

parent 64829ae8
# run in Django shell ONLY!!!
# python shell
# >>> exec(open('./SQL/').read())
from core.models import *
def extract_song_title(s):
clean = []
i = 1
for t in s.split(' ÷'):
if t == '': continue
u = t.strip('\n').split()
if u[0] == '.flac' or u[0] == '.mp3' or u[0] == '.dts':
clean.append(' '.join(t.strip('\n').split()[2:])[:-len(u[0])])
i += 1
return clean
def prettify_genre(g):
return ', '.join([h.replace('_',' ') for h in g.split()])
for song in Song.objects.filter(song_name__startswith="."):
songlst = extract_song_title(song.song_name)
for e in songlst:
Song.objects.create(song_name=e, genre=prettify_genre(song.genre), artist=song.artist, album=song.album)
# uncomment the next line if you want to delete the original entry after parsing
# song.delete()
# if something messed up above, uncomment these lines
# for song in Song.objects.exclude(song_name__startswith="."):
# song.delete()
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