importosimportsysimportwarnings# Remove '' and current working directory from the first entry# of sys.path, if present to avoid using current directory# in pip commands check, freeze, install, list and show,# when invoked as python -m pip <command>ifsys.path[0]in("",os.getcwd()):sys.path.pop(0)# If we are running from a wheel, add the wheel to sys.path# This allows the usage python pip-*.whl/pip install pip-*.whlif__package__=="":# __file__ is pip-*.whl/pip/ first dirname call strips of '/', second strips off '/pip'# Resulting path is the name of the wheel itself# Add that to sys.path so we can import pippath=os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))sys.path.insert(0,path)if__name__=="__main__":# Work around the error reported in #9540, pending a proper fix.# Note: It is essential the warning filter is set *before* importing# pip, as the deprecation happens at import time, not runtime.warnings.filterwarnings("ignore",category=DeprecationWarning,module=".*packaging\\.version")frompip._internal.cli.mainimportmainas_mainsys.exit(_main())