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import functools
import os

from django.apps import apps
from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.staticfiles import utils
from django.core.checks import Error, Warning
from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured
from import FileSystemStorage, Storage, default_storage
from django.utils._os import safe_join
from django.utils.functional import LazyObject, empty
from django.utils.module_loading import import_string

# To keep track on which directories the finder has searched the static files.
searched_locations = []

class BaseFinder:
    A base file finder to be used for custom staticfiles finder classes.

    def check(self, **kwargs):
        raise NotImplementedError(
            "subclasses may provide a check() method to verify the finder is "
            "configured correctly."

    def find(self, path, all=False):
        Given a relative file path, find an absolute file path.

        If the ``all`` parameter is False (default) return only the first found
        file path; if True, return a list of all found files paths.
        raise NotImplementedError(
            "subclasses of BaseFinder must provide a find() method"

    def list(self, ignore_patterns):
        Given an optional list of paths to ignore, return a two item iterable
        consisting of the relative path and storage instance.
        raise NotImplementedError(
            "subclasses of BaseFinder must provide a list() method"

class FileSystemFinder(BaseFinder):
    A static files finder that uses the ``STATICFILES_DIRS`` setting
    to locate files.

    def __init__(self, app_names=None, *args, **kwargs):
        # List of locations with static files
        self.locations = []
        # Maps dir paths to an appropriate storage instance
        self.storages = {}
        for root in settings.STATICFILES_DIRS:
            if isinstance(root, (list, tuple)):
                prefix, root = root
                prefix = ""
            if (prefix, root) not in self.locations:
                self.locations.append((prefix, root))
        for prefix, root in self.locations:
            filesystem_storage = FileSystemStorage(location=root)
            filesystem_storage.prefix = prefix
            self.storages[root] = filesystem_storage
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def check(self, **kwargs):
        errors = []
        if not isinstance(settings.STATICFILES_DIRS, (list, tuple)):
                    "The STATICFILES_DIRS setting is not a tuple or list.",
                    hint="Perhaps you forgot a trailing comma?",
            return errors
        for root in settings.STATICFILES_DIRS:
            if isinstance(root, (list, tuple)):
                prefix, root = root
                if prefix.endswith("/"):
                            "The prefix %r in the STATICFILES_DIRS setting must "
                            "not end with a slash." % prefix,
            if settings.STATIC_ROOT and os.path.abspath(
            ) == os.path.abspath(root):
                        "The STATICFILES_DIRS setting should not contain the "
                        "STATIC_ROOT setting.",
            if not os.path.isdir(root):
                        f"The directory '{root}' in the STATICFILES_DIRS setting "
                        f"does not exist.",
        return errors

    def find(self, path, all=False):
        Look for files in the extra locations as defined in STATICFILES_DIRS.
        matches = []
        for prefix, root in self.locations:
            if root not in searched_locations:
            matched_path = self.find_location(root, path, prefix)
            if matched_path:
                if not all:
                    return matched_path
        return matches

    def find_location(self, root, path, prefix=None):
        Find a requested static file in a location and return the found
        absolute path (or ``None`` if no match).
        if prefix:
            prefix = "%s%s" % (prefix, os.sep)
            if not path.startswith(prefix):
                return None
            path = path[len(prefix) :]
        path = safe_join(root, path)
        if os.path.exists(path):
            return path

    def list(self, ignore_patterns):
        List all files in all locations.
        for prefix, root in self.locations:
            # Skip nonexistent directories.
            if os.path.isdir(root):
                storage = self.storages[root]
                for path in utils.get_files(storage, ignore_patterns):
                    yield path, storage

class AppDirectoriesFinder(BaseFinder):
    A static files finder that looks in the directory of each app as
    specified in the source_dir attribute.

    storage_class = FileSystemStorage
    source_dir = "static"

    def __init__(self, app_names=None, *args, **kwargs):
        # The list of apps that are handled
        self.apps = []
        # Mapping of app names to storage instances
        self.storages = {}
        app_configs = apps.get_app_configs()
        if app_names:
            app_names = set(app_names)
            app_configs = [ac for ac in app_configs if in app_names]
        for app_config in app_configs:
            app_storage = self.storage_class(
                os.path.join(app_config.path, self.source_dir)
            if os.path.isdir(app_storage.location):
                self.storages[] = app_storage
                if not in self.apps:
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def list(self, ignore_patterns):
        List all files in all app storages.
        for storage in self.storages.values():
            if storage.exists(""):  # check if storage location exists
                for path in utils.get_files(storage, ignore_patterns):
                    yield path, storage

    def find(self, path, all=False):
        Look for files in the app directories.
        matches = []
        for app in self.apps:
            app_location = self.storages[app].location
            if app_location not in searched_locations:
            match = self.find_in_app(app, path)
            if match:
                if not all:
                    return match
        return matches

    def find_in_app(self, app, path):
        Find a requested static file in an app's static locations.
        storage = self.storages.get(app)
        # Only try to find a file if the source dir actually exists.
        if storage and storage.exists(path):
            matched_path = storage.path(path)
            if matched_path:
                return matched_path

class BaseStorageFinder(BaseFinder):
    A base static files finder to be used to extended
    with an own storage class.

    storage = None

    def __init__(self, storage=None, *args, **kwargs):
        if storage is not None:
   = storage
        if is None:
            raise ImproperlyConfigured(
                "The staticfiles storage finder %r "
                "doesn't have a storage class "
                "assigned." % self.__class__
        # Make sure we have a storage instance here.
        if not isinstance(, (Storage, LazyObject)):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def find(self, path, all=False):
        Look for files in the default file storage, if it's local.
        except NotImplementedError:
            if not in searched_locations:
                match =
                if all:
                    match = [match]
                return match
        return []

    def list(self, ignore_patterns):
        List all files of the storage.
        for path in utils.get_files(, ignore_patterns):
            yield path,

class DefaultStorageFinder(BaseStorageFinder):
    A static files finder that uses the default storage backend.

    storage = default_storage

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        base_location = getattr(, "base_location", empty)
        if not base_location:
            raise ImproperlyConfigured(
                "The storage backend of the "
                "staticfiles finder %r doesn't have "
                "a valid location." % self.__class__

def find(path, all=False):
    Find a static file with the given path using all enabled finders.

    If ``all`` is ``False`` (default), return the first matching
    absolute path (or ``None`` if no match). Otherwise return a list.
    searched_locations[:] = []
    matches = []
    for finder in get_finders():
        result = finder.find(path, all=all)
        if not all and result:
            return result
        if not isinstance(result, (list, tuple)):
            result = [result]
    if matches:
        return matches
    # No match.
    return [] if all else None

def get_finders():
    for finder_path in settings.STATICFILES_FINDERS:
        yield get_finder(finder_path)

def get_finder(import_path):
    Import the staticfiles finder class described by import_path, where
    import_path is the full Python path to the class.
    Finder = import_string(import_path)
    if not issubclass(Finder, BaseFinder):
        raise ImproperlyConfigured(
            'Finder "%s" is not a subclass of "%s"' % (Finder, BaseFinder)
    return Finder()