Commit c0f6ec21 authored by Gab De Jesus's avatar Gab De Jesus

Added file directory section

parent d24acc6c
......@@ -44,4 +44,44 @@ Django normally classes users into superusers/admins, normal users, and non-user
Make sure you're in the directory `Academe`, and run `python createsuperuser`. Fill in the fields accordingly
You can now login to `localhost:8080/admin` or ``, and create changes to the database
\ No newline at end of file
You can now login to `localhost:8080/admin` or ``, and create changes to the database
### Resetting The Database
In the `Academe` directory, run `python flush`
This will remove all users, sessions, reviews, etc, from the database, so use wisely
## Directory
This section explains the different files and directories in the system
### Apps
Django uses apps to modularize code. Each app should theoretically bundle files and code that are related in functionality.
The apps of the system are:
* Accounts - Handle user authentication, login, signup, and the like
* Courses - Handle course related functions
* Profs - Handle prof related functions
* Reviews - Handle review related functions
For an explanation of the files found in each app, please read the following sections
### Views
Views are used in Django for passing data to templates, and returning these templates to the user. Most, if not all, the logic is performed in `` files. Each app has its own `` file. I.E, accounts, profs, reviews, and courses each have a ``
### Models
Models are used to model database tables. Django converts `` into models that are inserted into the DB specified in ``
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