- 25 Apr, 2023 4 commits
John Riz Daniel Ramos authored
John Riz Daniel Ramos authored
+ Added the classes and functionality of each
John Riz Daniel Ramos authored
+ Finished Add Book Functionality
John Riz Daniel Ramos authored
+ add-book.html + class: BooksCreateView and BooksUpdateView + path "books/add" in urlpattterns in urls.py
- 28 Mar, 2023 5 commits
John Riz Daniel Ramos authored
John Riz Daniel Ramos authored
John Riz Daniel Ramos authored
John Riz Daniel Ramos authored
In views.py + class: BooksListView + class: BooksDetailView + class: AuthorsListView + class: AuthorsDetailView + books.html, book_detais.html, authors.html, author_details.html
John Riz Daniel Ramos authored
- 27 Mar, 2023 4 commits
John Riz Daniel Ramos authored
In bookshelf app: + model: Author + model: Books Created superuser Migrated models
John Riz Daniel Ramos authored
John Riz Daniel Ramos authored
In bookshelf app + created urls.py ~ updated views.py In danielramos_reading project ~ updated settings.py ~ updated urls.py Created a .gitignore
John Riz Daniel Ramos authored
+ installed Django and python-dotenv + created README.txt + Updated settings.py