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from importlib import import_module
from pkgutil import walk_packages

from django.apps import apps
from django.conf import settings
from django.template import TemplateDoesNotExist
from django.template.context import make_context
from django.template.engine import Engine
from django.template.library import InvalidTemplateLibrary

from .base import BaseEngine

class DjangoTemplates(BaseEngine):

    app_dirname = "templates"

    def __init__(self, params):
        params = params.copy()
        options = params.pop("OPTIONS").copy()
        options.setdefault("autoescape", True)
        options.setdefault("debug", settings.DEBUG)
        options.setdefault("file_charset", "utf-8")
        libraries = options.get("libraries", {})
        options["libraries"] = self.get_templatetag_libraries(libraries)
        self.engine = Engine(self.dirs, self.app_dirs, **options)

    def from_string(self, template_code):
        return Template(self.engine.from_string(template_code), self)

    def get_template(self, template_name):
            return Template(self.engine.get_template(template_name), self)
        except TemplateDoesNotExist as exc:
            reraise(exc, self)

    def get_templatetag_libraries(self, custom_libraries):
        Return a collation of template tag libraries from installed
        applications and the supplied custom_libraries argument.
        libraries = get_installed_libraries()
        return libraries

class Template:
    def __init__(self, template, backend):
        self.template = template
        self.backend = backend

    def origin(self):
        return self.template.origin

    def render(self, context=None, request=None):
        context = make_context(
            context, request, autoescape=self.backend.engine.autoescape
            return self.template.render(context)
        except TemplateDoesNotExist as exc:
            reraise(exc, self.backend)

def copy_exception(exc, backend=None):
    Create a new TemplateDoesNotExist. Preserve its declared attributes and
    template debug data but discard __traceback__, __context__, and __cause__
    to make this object suitable for keeping around (in a cache, for example).
    backend = backend or exc.backend
    new = exc.__class__(*exc.args, tried=exc.tried, backend=backend, chain=exc.chain)
    if hasattr(exc, "template_debug"):
        new.template_debug = exc.template_debug
    return new

def reraise(exc, backend):
    Reraise TemplateDoesNotExist while maintaining template debug information.
    new = copy_exception(exc, backend)
    raise new from exc

def get_installed_libraries():
    Return the built-in template tag libraries and those from installed
    applications. Libraries are stored in a dictionary where keys are the
    individual module names, not the full module paths. Example:
    django.templatetags.i18n is stored as i18n.
    libraries = {}
    candidates = ["django.templatetags"]
        "%s.templatetags" % for app_config in apps.get_app_configs()

    for candidate in candidates:
            pkg = import_module(candidate)
        except ImportError:
            # No templatetags package defined. This is safe to ignore.

        if hasattr(pkg, "__path__"):
            for name in get_package_libraries(pkg):
                libraries[name[len(candidate) + 1 :]] = name

    return libraries

def get_package_libraries(pkg):
    Recursively yield template tag libraries defined in submodules of a
    for entry in walk_packages(pkg.__path__, pkg.__name__ + "."):
            module = import_module(entry[1])
        except ImportError as e:
            raise InvalidTemplateLibrary(
                "Invalid template library specified. ImportError raised when "
                "trying to load '%s': %s" % (entry[1], e)
            ) from e

        if hasattr(module, "register"):
            yield entry[1]