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Useful auxiliary data structures for query construction. Not useful outside
the SQL domain.
from django.db.models.sql.constants import INNER, LOUTER

class MultiJoin(Exception):
    Used by join construction code to indicate the point at which a
    multi-valued join was attempted (if the caller wants to treat that

    def __init__(self, names_pos, path_with_names):
        self.level = names_pos
        # The path travelled, this includes the path to the multijoin.
        self.names_with_path = path_with_names

class Empty:

class Join:
    Used by sql.Query and sql.SQLCompiler to generate JOIN clauses into the
    FROM entry. For example, the SQL generated could be
        LEFT OUTER JOIN "sometable" T1
        ON ("othertable"."sometable_id" = "sometable"."id")

    This class is primarily used in Query.alias_map. All entries in alias_map
    must be Join compatible by providing the following attributes and methods:
        - table_name (string)
        - table_alias (possible alias for the table, can be None)
        - join_type (can be None for those entries that aren't joined from
        - parent_alias (which table is this join's parent, can be None similarly
          to join_type)
        - as_sql()
        - relabeled_clone()

    def __init__(
        # Join table
        self.table_name = table_name
        self.parent_alias = parent_alias
        # Note: table_alias is not necessarily known at instantiation time.
        self.table_alias = table_alias
        # LOUTER or INNER
        self.join_type = join_type
        # A list of 2-tuples to use in the ON clause of the JOIN.
        # Each 2-tuple will create one join condition in the ON clause.
        self.join_cols = join_field.get_joining_columns()
        # Along which field (or ForeignObjectRel in the reverse join case)
        self.join_field = join_field
        # Is this join nullabled?
        self.nullable = nullable
        self.filtered_relation = filtered_relation

    def as_sql(self, compiler, connection):
        Generate the full
           LEFT OUTER JOIN sometable ON sometable.somecol = othertable.othercol, params
        clause for this join.
        join_conditions = []
        params = []
        qn = compiler.quote_name_unless_alias
        qn2 = connection.ops.quote_name

        # Add a join condition for each pair of joining columns.
        for lhs_col, rhs_col in self.join_cols:
                "%s.%s = %s.%s"
                % (

        # Add a single condition inside parentheses for whatever
        # get_extra_restriction() returns.
        extra_cond = self.join_field.get_extra_restriction(
            self.table_alias, self.parent_alias
        if extra_cond:
            extra_sql, extra_params = compiler.compile(extra_cond)
            join_conditions.append("(%s)" % extra_sql)
        if self.filtered_relation:
            extra_sql, extra_params = compiler.compile(self.filtered_relation)
            if extra_sql:
                join_conditions.append("(%s)" % extra_sql)
        if not join_conditions:
            # This might be a rel on the other end of an actual declared field.
            declared_field = getattr(self.join_field, "field", self.join_field)
            raise ValueError(
                "Join generated an empty ON clause. %s did not yield either "
                "joining columns or extra restrictions." % declared_field.__class__
        on_clause_sql = " AND ".join(join_conditions)
        alias_str = (
            "" if self.table_alias == self.table_name else (" %s" % self.table_alias)
        sql = "%s %s%s ON (%s)" % (
        return sql, params

    def relabeled_clone(self, change_map):
        new_parent_alias = change_map.get(self.parent_alias, self.parent_alias)
        new_table_alias = change_map.get(self.table_alias, self.table_alias)
        if self.filtered_relation is not None:
            filtered_relation = self.filtered_relation.clone()
            filtered_relation.path = [
                change_map.get(p, p) for p in self.filtered_relation.path
            filtered_relation = None
        return self.__class__(

    def identity(self):
        return (

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, Join):
            return NotImplemented
        return self.identity == other.identity

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash(self.identity)

    def equals(self, other):
        # Ignore filtered_relation in equality check.
        return self.identity[:-1] == other.identity[:-1]

    def demote(self):
        new = self.relabeled_clone({})
        new.join_type = INNER
        return new

    def promote(self):
        new = self.relabeled_clone({})
        new.join_type = LOUTER
        return new

class BaseTable:
    The BaseTable class is used for base table references in FROM clause. For
    example, the SQL "foo" in
        SELECT * FROM "foo" WHERE somecond
    could be generated by this class.

    join_type = None
    parent_alias = None
    filtered_relation = None

    def __init__(self, table_name, alias):
        self.table_name = table_name
        self.table_alias = alias

    def as_sql(self, compiler, connection):
        alias_str = (
            "" if self.table_alias == self.table_name else (" %s" % self.table_alias)
        base_sql = compiler.quote_name_unless_alias(self.table_name)
        return base_sql + alias_str, []

    def relabeled_clone(self, change_map):
        return self.__class__(
            self.table_name, change_map.get(self.table_alias, self.table_alias)

    def identity(self):
        return self.__class__, self.table_name, self.table_alias

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, BaseTable):
            return NotImplemented
        return self.identity == other.identity

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash(self.identity)

    def equals(self, other):
        return self.identity == other.identity