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from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured
from django.core.paginator import InvalidPage, Paginator
from django.db.models import QuerySet
from django.http import Http404
from django.utils.translation import gettext as _
from django.views.generic.base import ContextMixin, TemplateResponseMixin, View

class MultipleObjectMixin(ContextMixin):
    """A mixin for views manipulating multiple objects."""

    allow_empty = True
    queryset = None
    model = None
    paginate_by = None
    paginate_orphans = 0
    context_object_name = None
    paginator_class = Paginator
    page_kwarg = "page"
    ordering = None

    def get_queryset(self):
        Return the list of items for this view.

        The return value must be an iterable and may be an instance of
        `QuerySet` in which case `QuerySet` specific behavior will be enabled.
        if self.queryset is not None:
            queryset = self.queryset
            if isinstance(queryset, QuerySet):
                queryset = queryset.all()
        elif self.model is not None:
            queryset = self.model._default_manager.all()
            raise ImproperlyConfigured(
                "%(cls)s is missing a QuerySet. Define "
                "%(cls)s.model, %(cls)s.queryset, or override "
                "%(cls)s.get_queryset()." % {"cls": self.__class__.__name__}
        ordering = self.get_ordering()
        if ordering:
            if isinstance(ordering, str):
                ordering = (ordering,)
            queryset = queryset.order_by(*ordering)

        return queryset

    def get_ordering(self):
        """Return the field or fields to use for ordering the queryset."""
        return self.ordering

    def paginate_queryset(self, queryset, page_size):
        """Paginate the queryset, if needed."""
        paginator = self.get_paginator(
        page_kwarg = self.page_kwarg
        page = self.kwargs.get(page_kwarg) or self.request.GET.get(page_kwarg) or 1
            page_number = int(page)
        except ValueError:
            if page == "last":
                page_number = paginator.num_pages
                raise Http404(
                    _("Page is not “last”, nor can it be converted to an int.")
            page =
            return (paginator, page, page.object_list, page.has_other_pages())
        except InvalidPage as e:
            raise Http404(
                _("Invalid page (%(page_number)s): %(message)s")
                % {"page_number": page_number, "message": str(e)}

    def get_paginate_by(self, queryset):
        Get the number of items to paginate by, or ``None`` for no pagination.
        return self.paginate_by

    def get_paginator(
        self, queryset, per_page, orphans=0, allow_empty_first_page=True, **kwargs
        """Return an instance of the paginator for this view."""
        return self.paginator_class(

    def get_paginate_orphans(self):
        Return the maximum number of orphans extend the last page by when
        return self.paginate_orphans

    def get_allow_empty(self):
        Return ``True`` if the view should display empty lists and ``False``
        if a 404 should be raised instead.
        return self.allow_empty

    def get_context_object_name(self, object_list):
        """Get the name of the item to be used in the context."""
        if self.context_object_name:
            return self.context_object_name
        elif hasattr(object_list, "model"):
            return "%s_list" % object_list.model._meta.model_name
            return None

    def get_context_data(self, *, object_list=None, **kwargs):
        """Get the context for this view."""
        queryset = object_list if object_list is not None else self.object_list
        page_size = self.get_paginate_by(queryset)
        context_object_name = self.get_context_object_name(queryset)
        if page_size:
            paginator, page, queryset, is_paginated = self.paginate_queryset(
                queryset, page_size
            context = {
                "paginator": paginator,
                "page_obj": page,
                "is_paginated": is_paginated,
                "object_list": queryset,
            context = {
                "paginator": None,
                "page_obj": None,
                "is_paginated": False,
                "object_list": queryset,
        if context_object_name is not None:
            context[context_object_name] = queryset
        return super().get_context_data(**context)

class BaseListView(MultipleObjectMixin, View):
    """A base view for displaying a list of objects."""

    def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        self.object_list = self.get_queryset()
        allow_empty = self.get_allow_empty()

        if not allow_empty:
            # When pagination is enabled and object_list is a queryset,
            # it's better to do a cheap query than to load the unpaginated
            # queryset in memory.
            if self.get_paginate_by(self.object_list) is not None and hasattr(
                self.object_list, "exists"
                is_empty = not self.object_list.exists()
                is_empty = not self.object_list
            if is_empty:
                raise Http404(
                    _("Empty list and “%(class_name)s.allow_empty” is False.")
                    % {
                        "class_name": self.__class__.__name__,
        context = self.get_context_data()
        return self.render_to_response(context)

class MultipleObjectTemplateResponseMixin(TemplateResponseMixin):
    """Mixin for responding with a template and list of objects."""

    template_name_suffix = "_list"

    def get_template_names(self):
        Return a list of template names to be used for the request. Must return
        a list. May not be called if render_to_response is overridden.
            names = super().get_template_names()
        except ImproperlyConfigured:
            # If template_name isn't specified, it's not a problem --
            # we just start with an empty list.
            names = []

        # If the list is a queryset, we'll invent a template name based on the
        # app and model name. This name gets put at the end of the template
        # name list so that user-supplied names override the automatically-
        # generated ones.
        if hasattr(self.object_list, "model"):
            opts = self.object_list.model._meta
                % (opts.app_label, opts.model_name, self.template_name_suffix)
        elif not names:
            raise ImproperlyConfigured(
                "%(cls)s requires either a 'template_name' attribute "
                "or a get_queryset() method that returns a QuerySet."
                % {
                    "cls": self.__class__.__name__,
        return names

class ListView(MultipleObjectTemplateResponseMixin, BaseListView):
    Render some list of objects, set by `self.model` or `self.queryset`.
    `self.queryset` can actually be any iterable of items, not just a queryset.