Commit ced3e3a4 authored by Andrea Tsai's avatar Andrea Tsai

Upload Sign Up Page HTML

parent 0d3a4989
<link rel = "stylesheet" href = "mainSignUp.css" media ="all"/>
<div class = "signUpHeader">
<a href= "indexHome.html">
<div class = "breadcrumbsHead">
<div class = "sideHeader">
<a href= "indexLogIn.html">
<div class = "loginText">Log In</div>
<a href= "indexSignUp.html">
<div class = "signUpButton">
<div class = "signUpText">Sign Up for Free!</div>
<div class = "lowerPage">
<div class = "signUpArea">
<div class = "breadcrumbsText"> BREADCRUMBS </div>
<div class = "signUpText2"> Sign Up </div>
<div class = "getStartedText"> Get started on leaving your trail(mix)! </div>
<input class = "box firstName" type = "text" placeholder = "First Name"> </input>
<input class = "box lastName" type = "text" placeholder = "Last Name"> </input>
<input class = "box email" type = "email" placeholder = "Email"> </input>
<input class = "box password" type = "password" placeholder = "Password"> </input>
<input class = "box passwordConfirm" type = "password" placeholder = "Confirm Password"> </input>
<div class = "lowerBar">
<a href= "indexLogIn.html">
<div class = "alreadyHaveAccountText">I already have an account</div>
<div class = "submitButton"> SUBMIT </div>
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