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		<title>The House on Dover Street</title>
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		<center>The House on Dover Street</center>
			You wake up from your deep slumber, trying not to think about what had happened last night. You check the clock an it says that it is 6:03 AM. You head towards the kitchen and you see Betsy already awake. She seems to be cooking bacon and eggs for the both of you. You approach her and ask if she needs any help. She stares back at you with a blank face and gets back to cooking. You're confused on what she did, but maybe it has to do something with what happened last night. So you decide to set the dining table and wait for Betsy to finish cooking. When she finishes cooking, you see that everything she cooked was burnt to a crisp. You then ask her <i>"Is there something wrong with you? Are you feeling okay?"</i> She replies <i>"Yes I am! What makes you say I'm not? I'm also sorry for burning the food, I don't know what came over me. Maybe I'll just rest for a bit."</i> Betsy goes back to her room very slowly...
			When Betsy had gone into her room, you cooked yourself a meal of bacon and eggs. While frying the bacon, you suddenly hear Betsy scream from her room. Due to this, you drop the frying pan onto the floor with the hot oil spilling out and burning a part of your left leg. You let out a grunt of pain and headed to Betsy's room. As you open the door you see Betsy floating in midair above her bed. You try waking her up from her sleep, but to no avail. You rush towards the door, but suddenly it closes shut! You look over your shoulder and you see that Betsy is slowly hovering towards you while letting out a series of laughter. But the laughs didn't sound like hers, it sounded as if she was possessed by a child. You try to run towards the nearest lamp that may be used as a weapon. You grab the lamp, but Betsy grabs your left leg and aggrevates your burn. This does not stop you from whacking the possessed Betsy with the lamp. She falls to the floor unconscious. You limp towards the exit of the house, but as soon as you touch the doorknob of the main entrance. You hear the laugh of a child and you suddenly feel a tight grasp around your left foot. The possessed Betsy drags you up to the attic of the house, and locks you inside the attic. There you see numerous corpses of people, knowing that soon you will be one of them. You look towards the small circular thick-plated window to the outside of the house, shouting out <i>"HELP ME !!"</i> Which results to you losing your voice in the process and you have nothing else to do but wait. 
			You stay stuck in the attic, with the view of the outside. Wishing that you had done something else, but alas this is your fate. You feel your body weakening little by little, your thirst and hunger have become unbearable, you know that it is your time...
			The house on dover street has claimed its victims. Who else will fall for this enigma of a trap? There are always unlucky people in the world, you and Betsy were among the fated ones. Close your eyes and everything will just fade away...
			G o o d b y e . . .
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