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		<title>The House on Dover Street</title>
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		<center>The House on Dover Street</center>
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			It is the first day of your summer vacation! You decide to make most of your time since all you have been doing the past few months was study. Eventually, you think that going out of town will be a great idea. Due to your excitement you pick up your phone and call your best friend ever since grade school to tell her about the idea. You say excitedly <i>"Hey Betsy! Do you want to go out of town with me for a week? I just need a break from everything right now and there's no better way to spend a vacation with than with your bestest friend!"</i> She replies <i>"Sure why not? I'm not doing anything anyways. Just look for an affordable place we can chill in; don't worry I'll pay for my expenses as well!"</i> After the chat with Betsy, you rush towards your nifty desktop computer and search for available places to reside in for a week. You come across a small house enough for you and your best friend, it's details are as follows:
		<ul id="deets">
			<li>2 Fully stocked Bedrooms</li>
			<li>2 Fully stocked Bathrooms</li>
			<li>Air Conditioner in both Bedrooms</li>
			<li>Living Room with TV</li>
			<li>Note: The attic and basement are OFF LIMITS!</li>
			<li>All for a price of $20 a night!</li>
			<li>Address is at: 166 Dover Street, Miami City</li>
			<li>Contact: Lucius Santana</li>
			<img src="pictures/house.jpg">
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			After seeing this house, you immediately call Betty once again and say <i>"Hey Bets! (A childhood nickname of hers) Are you alright with spending $50 for lodging? That's already split-up for both of us!"</i> She replies <i>"Wow! Where did you find that house? Sounds like a great deal! Let's take it and leave first thing tomorrow morning!"</i> After the call had ended, you hurriedly packed clothes good for a week and all essentials for out of town trips, then you jump onto your bed eagerly awaiting the next day. The morning after, you pick up Bets in her house and drive towards your destination. On the way to the house, both you and Betsy stopover at a grocery to buy supplies for your stay in Miami. You were tasked to get the food while Betsy got the drinks (alcoholic and non-alcoholic). Both of you meet up in the counter and pay for everything you picked out. As you head towards the car, you see a crow perched on top of your car and you shoo it away, put all the groceries in the trunk and drive away. Finally, you reach your destination on Dover Street and park in the garage. You meet Lucius and pay him in full for your lodging. He emphasizes not to go to the attic and the basement, and leaves without saying anything else. You look at your watch and notice that it is only 3:00PM, what should you and Betsy do?
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			<a class="ch1" href="stay.html">Stay in the house and rest</a> 
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			<a class="ch2" href="scout.html">Scout the surroundings</a>