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		<title>MIS Homework</title>
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		<h1 id="h1-download" align="center">Do the MIS Homework</h1>
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		<p id="paragraph-dohomework1">

			Being the responsible student that you are, you restrained yourself from watching more and proceeded to do your MIS homework. 
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					<img id="img-download" src="../images/mishw1.jpg" width="900" height="500">
		<p id="paragraph-dohomework1-2">

			It took you 7 long hours to finish everything, from creating the story to coding in HTML and CSS but everything went well and you were able to pass the HW on time.<br>

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					<img id="img-download" src="../images/htmlcss.jpg" width="900" height="500">

		<p id="paragraph-dohomework1-3">

			Your professor told you that it deserves an A... and you got the A. Congratulations!

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						<img id="img-download" src="../images/overjoyed.jpg" width="900" height="500">
			<h1 id="h1-downloadmore">FIN</h1>
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								Go Back to the Home Page
