<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Continue</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="stylesheets/bootstrap.css"> </head> <body id="about-body" class="container"> <h1 id="h1-download" align="center">Continue Doing the Homework Even If It Is Against Your Will</h1> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../stylesheets/style.css"> <p id="paragraph-downloadmore"> Trying to experiment with your industriousness and creativity, you continued to do the homework even if it's against your will. It really took you a very long time, even more than one day, just to finish it. Your poor performance resulted from not really being interested of what you are doing and from the many distractions you encountered along the way. <div class="row"> <div clas="col-md-12"> <img id="img-continue" src="../images/stressed.jpg" width="900" height="500"> </div> </div> </p> <p id="paragraph-downloadmore-2"> You always thought that doing things that you didn't like will not do any better...<br> and since you pushed on, you knew that the output wouldn't be good enough. <br> <div id="img-clock" class="row"> <div clas="col-md-12"> <img id="img-download" src="../images/upset.gif" width="700" height="300"> </div> </div> </p> <p id="paragraph-downloadmore-3"> Submission day came and you were able to pass the homework on time. However, due to your unwillingness to put in proper effort, your homework only got a B. <div class="row"> <div clas="col-md-12"> <img id="img-download" src="../images/b.gif" width="900" height="500"> </div> </div> </p> <p id="paragraph-downloadmore-3"> After learning your score, you prayed and thanked God. <div id="img-clock" class="row"> <div clas="col-md-12"> <img id="img-download" src="../images/pray.jpg" width="700" height="300"> </div> </div> </p> <p id="paragraph-downloadmore-3"> Thinking to yourself, "at least, I still got a decent grade." <div class="row"> <div clas="col-md-12"> <img id="img-download" src="../images/satisfied.jpg" width="900" height="500"> </div> </div> <h1 id="h1-downloadmore">FIN</h1> </p> <div> <ul> <div class="col-md-12"> <li class="menu-downloadmore"> <p align="center"> <a href="../warningpage.html"> Go Back to the Home Page </a> </p> </li> </div> </ul> </div> </body> </html>