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				<h1 style="color: #39cccc; font-family: 'Baskerville'; text-align: center;">Poems</h1>
				<h4 style="color: #7FDBFF; font-family: 'Baskerville'; text-align: center;">by: <b>Vianne Borja</b></h3>
				<h6 id="main-h3"><a href="http://bloodylocks.tumblr.com/tagged/poetry">Read more here</a></h3>
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			<h2 class="menu-item"><a href="introduction.html">Homepage</a></h2>
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				<h2 class="menu-item"><a href="#stories">Stories</a></h2>
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					<a href="First/1.1.html">For You, I Would</a>
					<a href="Second/2.1.html">Just Friends</a>
					<a href="Third/3.1.html">The Interviews</a>
					<a href="Fourth/4.1.html">Sincerely, Yours</a>
					<a href="Fifth/5.1.html">Rainbow</a>
			<h2 class="menu-item"><a href="Other_Works.html">Other Works</a></h2>
			<h2 class="menu-item"><a href="About_Us.html">About Us</a></h2>
			<h2 class="menu-item"><a href="Sources.html">Sources</a></h2>
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			<div class="col-md-6 well" style="background-image: url(Pictures/LetMe_background.jpg); height: 700px;">
				<h1 style="font-family: 'Courier'; color: white;">Let me</h1>
				<p id="first-p">let me love you. </p>
				<p id="first-p">let my 6-year old self know the 8-year old you. </p>
				<p id="first-p">let my fingers be familiar with the bumps on your face. </p>
				<p id="first-p">let my 13-year old self comfort you when you had your first heartbreak. </p>
				<p id="first-p">let my body give the warmth you need when you are lonely. </p>
				<p id="first-p">let my legs run away with yours. </p>
				<p id="first-p">let my fists break your walls. </p>
				<p id="first-p">just let me. </p>
				<p id="first-p">please.</p>

			<div class="col-md-6 well" style="font-family: 'Georgia'; background-image: url(Pictures/Drop_background.jpg); background-position: center; height: 700px;">
				<h1 style="font-family: 'Courier'; color: white;">Drip Drop... Dive</h1>
				<p id="first-p"><i>drip drop</i></p>
				<p id="first-p">i count the droplets that dived through the puddle</p>
				<p id="first-p">ripples form</p>
				<p id="first-p"><i>drip drop</i></p>
				<p id="first-p">i die inside</p>
				<p id="first-p">like droplets i have wanted you</p>
				<p id="first-p">to atleast descend through the drowning parts of myself</p>
				<p id="first-p"><i>drip drop</i></p>
				<p id="first-p">by a single drop of you</p>
				<p id="first-p">by a small courage</p>
				<p id="first-p">by a little faith</p>
				<p id="first-p"><i>drip drop</i></p>
				<p id="first-p">take a dive</p>
				<p id="first-p">i am the puddle.</p>
