- save it as whatever room it is (ex "Laundry area.tscn")
2) Add background as a sprite, name it BG
3) Add a Control node, name it "Dialogue control"
- copy the script "Dialogue control - Template.gd" and save it as "Dialogue control - [room name].gd"
- attach that script to the Dialogue control node
1) Make the ff. nodes per item, follow this hierarchy:
> StaticBody2D (named after the item)
> CollisionShape2D (with square shape)
> Sprite (make a placeholder)
2) Attach the "Item" script to the StatidBody2D node
3) On the StaticBody2D node, toggle the "Make sure the object's children are not selectable" thing, it's next to the lock symbol in the toolbar
4) There are 3 variables in the Inspector sidebar, "Retrievable", "Interactable", and "Flavor Text"
- check ONLY ONE from retrievable or interactable, never both or neither
- retrievable = will be picked up when clicked on
- interactable = can't be picked up, but will produce flavor text when clicked on
- paste the flavor text under the "Flavor text" variable, as in the default flavor text when the object is either picked up or clicked on for the first time
(Not sure if you'll do this but jic)
1) Drag the .tscn into "Multi.tscn", make sure it's above Moxie and the UI stuff in the scene tree
2) Attach the "Main.gd" script to the scene
3) In the Inspector sidebar, there's a script variable called "Items". Click on the box that says "array", then set the size to the number of items in the scene
4) Right-click the scene in the node tree and check "Editable children"
5) Click on the box that says "Assign..." to select an item, then click on whatever item you want to add to the array