from urllib.parse import quote from django.http import ( HttpResponseBadRequest, HttpResponseForbidden, HttpResponseNotFound, HttpResponseServerError, ) from django.template import Context, Engine, TemplateDoesNotExist, loader from django.views.decorators.csrf import requires_csrf_token ERROR_404_TEMPLATE_NAME = "404.html" ERROR_403_TEMPLATE_NAME = "403.html" ERROR_400_TEMPLATE_NAME = "400.html" ERROR_500_TEMPLATE_NAME = "500.html" ERROR_PAGE_TEMPLATE = """ <!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <title>%(title)s</title> </head> <body> <h1>%(title)s</h1><p>%(details)s</p> </body> </html> """ # These views can be called when CsrfViewMiddleware.process_view() not run, # therefore need @requires_csrf_token in case the template needs # {% csrf_token %}. @requires_csrf_token def page_not_found(request, exception, template_name=ERROR_404_TEMPLATE_NAME): """ Default 404 handler. Templates: :template:`404.html` Context: request_path The path of the requested URL (e.g., '/app/pages/bad_page/'). It's quoted to prevent a content injection attack. exception The message from the exception which triggered the 404 (if one was supplied), or the exception class name """ exception_repr = exception.__class__.__name__ # Try to get an "interesting" exception message, if any (and not the ugly # Resolver404 dictionary) try: message = exception.args[0] except (AttributeError, IndexError): pass else: if isinstance(message, str): exception_repr = message context = { "request_path": quote(request.path), "exception": exception_repr, } try: template = loader.get_template(template_name) body = template.render(context, request) content_type = None # Django will use 'text/html'. except TemplateDoesNotExist: if template_name != ERROR_404_TEMPLATE_NAME: # Reraise if it's a missing custom template. raise # Render template (even though there are no substitutions) to allow # inspecting the context in tests. template = Engine().from_string( ERROR_PAGE_TEMPLATE % { "title": "Not Found", "details": "The requested resource was not found on this server.", }, ) body = template.render(Context(context)) content_type = "text/html" return HttpResponseNotFound(body, content_type=content_type) @requires_csrf_token def server_error(request, template_name=ERROR_500_TEMPLATE_NAME): """ 500 error handler. Templates: :template:`500.html` Context: None """ try: template = loader.get_template(template_name) except TemplateDoesNotExist: if template_name != ERROR_500_TEMPLATE_NAME: # Reraise if it's a missing custom template. raise return HttpResponseServerError( ERROR_PAGE_TEMPLATE % {"title": "Server Error (500)", "details": ""}, content_type="text/html", ) return HttpResponseServerError(template.render()) @requires_csrf_token def bad_request(request, exception, template_name=ERROR_400_TEMPLATE_NAME): """ 400 error handler. Templates: :template:`400.html` Context: None """ try: template = loader.get_template(template_name) except TemplateDoesNotExist: if template_name != ERROR_400_TEMPLATE_NAME: # Reraise if it's a missing custom template. raise return HttpResponseBadRequest( ERROR_PAGE_TEMPLATE % {"title": "Bad Request (400)", "details": ""}, content_type="text/html", ) # No exception content is passed to the template, to not disclose any # sensitive information. return HttpResponseBadRequest(template.render()) @requires_csrf_token def permission_denied(request, exception, template_name=ERROR_403_TEMPLATE_NAME): """ Permission denied (403) handler. Templates: :template:`403.html` Context: exception The message from the exception which triggered the 403 (if one was supplied). If the template does not exist, an Http403 response containing the text "403 Forbidden" (as per RFC 7231) will be returned. """ try: template = loader.get_template(template_name) except TemplateDoesNotExist: if template_name != ERROR_403_TEMPLATE_NAME: # Reraise if it's a missing custom template. raise return HttpResponseForbidden( ERROR_PAGE_TEMPLATE % {"title": "403 Forbidden", "details": ""}, content_type="text/html", ) return HttpResponseForbidden( template.render(request=request, context={"exception": str(exception)}) )